Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CAT Vocabulary

Good Vocabulary is important for a high CAT score and a MUST for the other MBA exams.In both the Sentence Completion Section and the Reading comprehension section of the CAT, you will come across many difficult words. Each correct answer on the CAT is worth roughly 1-2 points. Even if you could increase your Work Power marginally, it could mean many more correct answers and a significantly higher score.A good vocabulary is inextricably linked to a good memory. To have a deep and wide vocabulary, a student needs a very good memory.

So how do CAT Winners go about developing a good memory?


The commonly accepted idea that more memorizing makes memorizing easier is false, and that there is notruth in the popular figure of speech that likens the memory to a muscle that grows stronger with use.

However, practice may result in an unconscious improvement in the Winning methods of memorizing.By practice a student comes to unconsciously discover and employ new associative methods in recording of facts, making them easier to recall, but we can certainly add nothing to the actual scope and powerof retention.

Yet many books on memory-training seek to develop the general ability to remember by incessant practice in memorizing particular words, just as one would develop a muscle by exercise.

The real cause of a poor memory is Not the loss of retentiveness, but the loss of an intensity of interest. _It is the failure to form sufficiently large groups and complexes of related ideas, emotions and muscular movements associated with the particular fact to be remembered

Developing a Winning Memory

We recall things by their associations. When you set your mind to remember any particular fact, your conscious effort should not be to vaguely will that it shall be impressed and retained, but analytically and deliberately to connect it with one or more other facts already in your mind.

The student who "crams" for an examination makes no permanent addition to his knowledge. There can be no recall without association, and "cramming" allows no time to form associations
If you find it difficult to remember a fact or a word, do not waste your energies in "willing" it to return. Try to recall some other fact or name associated with it.

If your memory is good in most respects, but poor in a particular line, it is because you do not interest yourself in that line, and therefore have no material for association. Tom's memory was a blank on most math formulae, but he was a walking dictionary.

To improve your memory you must increase the number and variety of your mental associations.Many ingenious methods, scientifically correct, have been devised to aid in the remembering of particular facts. These methods are based wholly on the principle that that is most easily recalled which is associatedin our minds with the most complex and elaborate groupings of related ideas.


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