Sunil M. shares his experience at University of Southern California.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University of Southern California how does it feel to be at University of Southern California USA?
A :- I feel really good.
Q :- Please tell us about which course is you doing and why you chose that course?
A :- I am doing MS in Industrial Engineering because I am interested in this field and I have completed my under graduation studies in the same.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- USA is really good for higher education as we get more exposure and more knowledge from here so I chose USA for higher education.
Q :- How is University Of Southern California different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- I can’t differentiate on the Universities, however the ranking of University of Southern California is good and I had few of my friends who already studied here.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes of course.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus because it is cheaper than living on campus.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- My experience is that USA is very good place to live and here we can know more things, it is fun studying here and the professors are also good.
Q :- How should students select the US Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- First of all they should decide on the course that the student is interested in doing then depending on the course they can select the University by getting the information on the ranking of that University for that particular course, type of research that they can do, also they have to check the fees.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- Just be clear on what you have to do depending on your interest.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- Other than academics frankly speaking California is almost like India there are lots of Indians who live here. For first few days it will be difficult for you however after that when you come to know that there are so many Indians you will feel good. Here you won’t have much time for any other things apart from studies.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- In India, they force you to study and to do the course however here you can select the course depending on your interest part for example in India students select BA in literature because they get less percentage, here it’s not because you get low grades that you select the course however it depends on the interest level that you have for a particular course.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is better to get a degree from USA for higher education if at all you can afford it. Courses in India are also good however it is good for under graduate studies, for higher education i.e. for MS degrees it is always good to get it from USA or abroad nations.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Depending on the student’s interest and their under graduate studies help them to select the course. While selecting the universities shortlist 7-8 universities i.e. high medium and low priority wise and depending on the fees and ranking you can select the University. If the student has got good luck then he can even get admissions in good Universities with scholarship.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Nothing much when the student enters USA just for first 15 days it will be difficult however we can find more Indians here in USA, once the course starts there won’t be any time for other things to do and automatically the student has to concentrate on his course and grades also it is very important to be active socially.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- To be talkative as communication with others are necessary, social motivation, recommendation is also required to get jobs and to know other people communication is necessary.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes I saw the movie however I don’t relate myself to that movie.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Presently I have to complete my course and then I will take up a job, will work here for 5 years and then I will get back to India.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- It is improving a lot now a day.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Nothing much once they come here then they will get to know more about the place however they have to plan and decide well before coming here.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No one else that I can remember now.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
My life as a student at University of Illinois at Chicago.
Ajin N. shares his experience at University of Illinois at Chicago.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University of Illinois at Chicago How does it feel to be at University of Illinois at Chicago USA?
A :- It’s a great top rank university, middle of Chicago; you can meet lot of different people, the university consists of lot of business activities. Hence there are good job opportunities. So it a very good feeling to be at this university.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why you chose that course?
A :- I am pursuing MS in MIS. It is a technical management subject. It was recession time when I started the course. But there are lots of good opportunities after completing the courses. I also consulted from my seniors and relatives in USA.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- USA has the best higher education when compared to India though under graduation studies are just excellent back in India. I even had opportunities to study in Australia and UK, but the degree in USA is much more valuable than any other country in the world.
Q :- How is University of Illinois at Chicago different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- It is not different majority. It is situated in down town, it consists of good networking, so lots of business people come and talk and the location helps to get the job easily.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- I am very much happy. Right now I am working as research assistant which will be definitely helpful for building my profile in future.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I stay off-campus in a rented apartment but it is very close to my college campus, I can’t stay off-campus but still it is a private accommodation. I stay off campus because the cost inside the campus is high. So I prefer staying outside.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- USA is a great place to be. India consists of more theoretical studies where you have read and learn formulas but USA prefers practical studies like assignment submission. You can actually see what you do. You have opportunity for everything; there are lots of research opportunities. The kind of funding provided for research is good. This kind of funding is not available in India. You can do wonders in USA if you want.
Q :- How should students select the US Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- It’s a mistake to choose university according to their ranking. Even the universities with high ranking are not good in particular subject. So one should select the university based on department ranking and according to their interested subjects. One should always look at department ranking, funding facility like scholarships and assistantships, location of the university, good networking for good job opportunity as I have done.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- Same as answer in 7.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- The things are very casual in USA. The places here are neat and clean compared to India. Life is casual and party mood. It is how you go with the stream; if you keep it up to yourself and be in your limits, then it’s an easy place to live in.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Studies are more theoretical in India, they aspect you to know all formulas by reading them. But it is totally different in USA. First you need to know the basics. They ask you to do lots of practical assignments, ask to give your views, more practical and learn up to date which help you to go along with the world.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- If you perform well and are serious in your studies rather than having the dream of landing in USA, then yes it is worth to spend so much. You can earn handsomely after completing the course successfully. So one can easily re-pay the loan in a matter of 5-8 months.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- If the students are serious about their studies, so the parents should allow them to study abroad. They should not let their children’s dream dissatisfied due to lack of money because money comes and go but education stays forever. So education will definitely help them in future and can easily regain whatever they have invested in studies.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- One should be aware of entrance exams like GRE & TOEFL. One should take care of the deadlines of application, be proactive and smart.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- I learned to be always smart as people are much smarter here. Be up to date, can’t stay without learning. You need to know around the book and you. It’s always a practical approach.
Q :- What difficulties you faced to get I-20? What precautions you have taken while applying for an I-20?
A :- I just went with the flow. I went according to the deadlines. I completed all the paperwork on time. So didn’t face any issues. It is better to be early rather than being late.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education? Was it required for you to show sources of funds before you got your I-20? How did you deal with that challenge?
A :- Yes it is required. I managed to get the I-20 based on Bank account balance. Then Credila came in between at the visa time. It has its own value.
Q :- How Credila's education loans Sanction letter help you to get your I-20?
A :- I managed to get the I-20 based on my own funds.
Q :- How did Credila’s sanction letter help you to get your visa?
A :- Credila gave me the liquidity to go ahead with the fees payment. So the embassy was happy with sanction letter and the way of funding for my course.
Q :- What are your suggestions for students who don't have funds for higher education and hence can't get I-20?
A :- I will suggest them to go to Credila, submit the application with required documents and take the sanction letter to get the I-20. I won’t mind spending so much money to get education because once you successfully finishes the course, then you have the opportunity of earning good where you can repay the loan easily within a period of 5-8 months.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- My future plan is to get internship. There after working as fulltime job. In a period of 5 years, I'll go back to India as I am having small business in India. I will utilize my knowledge and experience and may start a business or industries.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- It is not perfect enough. As a student you don’t feel it but last year there were 125 assistance ship programs whereas currently it is much less. But coming December it will be changed. There will be lots of job opportunities by this December to May.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University of Illinois at Chicago How does it feel to be at University of Illinois at Chicago USA?
A :- It’s a great top rank university, middle of Chicago; you can meet lot of different people, the university consists of lot of business activities. Hence there are good job opportunities. So it a very good feeling to be at this university.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why you chose that course?
A :- I am pursuing MS in MIS. It is a technical management subject. It was recession time when I started the course. But there are lots of good opportunities after completing the courses. I also consulted from my seniors and relatives in USA.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- USA has the best higher education when compared to India though under graduation studies are just excellent back in India. I even had opportunities to study in Australia and UK, but the degree in USA is much more valuable than any other country in the world.
Q :- How is University of Illinois at Chicago different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- It is not different majority. It is situated in down town, it consists of good networking, so lots of business people come and talk and the location helps to get the job easily.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- I am very much happy. Right now I am working as research assistant which will be definitely helpful for building my profile in future.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I stay off-campus in a rented apartment but it is very close to my college campus, I can’t stay off-campus but still it is a private accommodation. I stay off campus because the cost inside the campus is high. So I prefer staying outside.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- USA is a great place to be. India consists of more theoretical studies where you have read and learn formulas but USA prefers practical studies like assignment submission. You can actually see what you do. You have opportunity for everything; there are lots of research opportunities. The kind of funding provided for research is good. This kind of funding is not available in India. You can do wonders in USA if you want.
Q :- How should students select the US Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- It’s a mistake to choose university according to their ranking. Even the universities with high ranking are not good in particular subject. So one should select the university based on department ranking and according to their interested subjects. One should always look at department ranking, funding facility like scholarships and assistantships, location of the university, good networking for good job opportunity as I have done.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- Same as answer in 7.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- The things are very casual in USA. The places here are neat and clean compared to India. Life is casual and party mood. It is how you go with the stream; if you keep it up to yourself and be in your limits, then it’s an easy place to live in.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Studies are more theoretical in India, they aspect you to know all formulas by reading them. But it is totally different in USA. First you need to know the basics. They ask you to do lots of practical assignments, ask to give your views, more practical and learn up to date which help you to go along with the world.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- If you perform well and are serious in your studies rather than having the dream of landing in USA, then yes it is worth to spend so much. You can earn handsomely after completing the course successfully. So one can easily re-pay the loan in a matter of 5-8 months.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- If the students are serious about their studies, so the parents should allow them to study abroad. They should not let their children’s dream dissatisfied due to lack of money because money comes and go but education stays forever. So education will definitely help them in future and can easily regain whatever they have invested in studies.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- One should be aware of entrance exams like GRE & TOEFL. One should take care of the deadlines of application, be proactive and smart.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- I learned to be always smart as people are much smarter here. Be up to date, can’t stay without learning. You need to know around the book and you. It’s always a practical approach.
Q :- What difficulties you faced to get I-20? What precautions you have taken while applying for an I-20?
A :- I just went with the flow. I went according to the deadlines. I completed all the paperwork on time. So didn’t face any issues. It is better to be early rather than being late.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education? Was it required for you to show sources of funds before you got your I-20? How did you deal with that challenge?
A :- Yes it is required. I managed to get the I-20 based on Bank account balance. Then Credila came in between at the visa time. It has its own value.
Q :- How Credila's education loans Sanction letter help you to get your I-20?
A :- I managed to get the I-20 based on my own funds.
Q :- How did Credila’s sanction letter help you to get your visa?
A :- Credila gave me the liquidity to go ahead with the fees payment. So the embassy was happy with sanction letter and the way of funding for my course.
Q :- What are your suggestions for students who don't have funds for higher education and hence can't get I-20?
A :- I will suggest them to go to Credila, submit the application with required documents and take the sanction letter to get the I-20. I won’t mind spending so much money to get education because once you successfully finishes the course, then you have the opportunity of earning good where you can repay the loan easily within a period of 5-8 months.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- My future plan is to get internship. There after working as fulltime job. In a period of 5 years, I'll go back to India as I am having small business in India. I will utilize my knowledge and experience and may start a business or industries.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- It is not perfect enough. As a student you don’t feel it but last year there were 125 assistance ship programs whereas currently it is much less. But coming December it will be changed. There will be lots of job opportunities by this December to May.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My life as a student at Chichester College.
Jaikrishna T. shares his experience as a student at Chichester College.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Chichester College how does it feel to be at Chichester College UK?
A :- This is my third year it is a very good experience that I got here.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why you chose that course?
A :- I am doing my Higher National Diploma in hospitality and event management. I chose this course because I have done my Bachelors in hospitality and I am interested in the hospitality industries.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- Because the hospitality course is good in UK and Europe, however the best course is in UK as there are many reputed hotels and top 5 hotels are based in Europe and UK.
Q :- How is Chichester College different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- Chichester College, it is the port of West Sussex. It is very reputed college for hospitality. The tutors are friendly. The location and environment is very good.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- I am very happy.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus because it is cheaper than living on-campus and also if we are living on-campus then we cannot go out of the campus after 10 O’clock and I come after 10 o’clock as I am doing a part time job here.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- Experience from my point of view I won’t say or suggest any one to come to UK at present because there are many Indians who don’t have any job yet. I am lucky that I have a job here because this is my third year in UK. There is lack of job opportunities in UK especially in London. In future when the situation gets better then they can come here.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- They should select the Universities depending on the course that they are planning to pursue. Different Universities have different rankings and are good in different courses.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- Getting a certificate here in UK is very important for the students like us who plan for higher education from UK. They should be ready to live here with or without getting the job as it is very difficult now a day to get jobs.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- I have learned lot of good things here; I improved my English a lot. In India I used to talk only in Gujarathi even though I did my education from English medium school. Here I have learned how to work hard, how to interact with different people etc.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- It is very different here no one will force you to study, there is no stress or burden as far it is studies, it is up to you how you study and cope up with it. Tutors are available and there are not many exams due to assignments and projects.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes it is worth spending so much money for my course because in India we don’t have such course and India is not yet so developed in hotel industries. I know that I have spent a lot on my education and for that I am studying hard.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Advice to parents, don’t force the students to choose the course, let them decide on the course that they are interested in. If they are not interested in studying abroad, don’t send them forcefully; if the student is having homesickness, please don’t come here because this is a lonely place and its loneliness can affect such students a lot.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Decide and plan well, before coming here, learn cooking because eating outside is expensive, try and get every possible thing from India itself.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- 1) Stand for myself,
2) How to earn money and what is the value of money,
3) Leadership and respect.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- I saw the movie and I do relate myself because when I was in India I was not that good in studies however now I have improved and decided to study hard.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- After this course I will be doing 1 year Degree course and after that I will get into my industries.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- It has changed a lot; getting job is not that simple now. UK is very much in deep loss. People say that it is improving however I can’t see any.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Just decide what you have to do, parents please don’t force the students for the course or University or even for the country where he should go. Let the student decide based on his interest.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- I do have few friends however they are not studying they are here for work I will ask them and will give the reference.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Chichester College how does it feel to be at Chichester College UK?
A :- This is my third year it is a very good experience that I got here.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why you chose that course?
A :- I am doing my Higher National Diploma in hospitality and event management. I chose this course because I have done my Bachelors in hospitality and I am interested in the hospitality industries.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- Because the hospitality course is good in UK and Europe, however the best course is in UK as there are many reputed hotels and top 5 hotels are based in Europe and UK.
Q :- How is Chichester College different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- Chichester College, it is the port of West Sussex. It is very reputed college for hospitality. The tutors are friendly. The location and environment is very good.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- I am very happy.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus because it is cheaper than living on-campus and also if we are living on-campus then we cannot go out of the campus after 10 O’clock and I come after 10 o’clock as I am doing a part time job here.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- Experience from my point of view I won’t say or suggest any one to come to UK at present because there are many Indians who don’t have any job yet. I am lucky that I have a job here because this is my third year in UK. There is lack of job opportunities in UK especially in London. In future when the situation gets better then they can come here.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- They should select the Universities depending on the course that they are planning to pursue. Different Universities have different rankings and are good in different courses.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- Getting a certificate here in UK is very important for the students like us who plan for higher education from UK. They should be ready to live here with or without getting the job as it is very difficult now a day to get jobs.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- I have learned lot of good things here; I improved my English a lot. In India I used to talk only in Gujarathi even though I did my education from English medium school. Here I have learned how to work hard, how to interact with different people etc.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- It is very different here no one will force you to study, there is no stress or burden as far it is studies, it is up to you how you study and cope up with it. Tutors are available and there are not many exams due to assignments and projects.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes it is worth spending so much money for my course because in India we don’t have such course and India is not yet so developed in hotel industries. I know that I have spent a lot on my education and for that I am studying hard.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Advice to parents, don’t force the students to choose the course, let them decide on the course that they are interested in. If they are not interested in studying abroad, don’t send them forcefully; if the student is having homesickness, please don’t come here because this is a lonely place and its loneliness can affect such students a lot.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Decide and plan well, before coming here, learn cooking because eating outside is expensive, try and get every possible thing from India itself.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- 1) Stand for myself,
2) How to earn money and what is the value of money,
3) Leadership and respect.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- I saw the movie and I do relate myself because when I was in India I was not that good in studies however now I have improved and decided to study hard.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- After this course I will be doing 1 year Degree course and after that I will get into my industries.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- It has changed a lot; getting job is not that simple now. UK is very much in deep loss. People say that it is improving however I can’t see any.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Just decide what you have to do, parents please don’t force the students for the course or University or even for the country where he should go. Let the student decide based on his interest.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- I do have few friends however they are not studying they are here for work I will ask them and will give the reference.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My life as a student at University of Surrey
Sujay V. shares his experience at University of Surrey.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Surrey how does it feel to be at University Of Surrey UK?
A :- I am feeling very good. The only issue was that I had to do a lot of research regarding the course before hastily taking a decision.
Q :- Please tell us about which courses you are studying and why you chose that course?
A :- Internet computing because I wanted to pursue my future in the world of networking. Since I had a good idea of networking, I knew that this would be the field for me. The course wasn’t difficult, however I faced issues with software coding since it wasn’t my forte.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- UK had a better market than other countries during the time I made my decision for further studies. There are lots of Indians in UK as well. The second reason I chose UK was because I had the assistance of my friend who came along with me for his higher studies.
Q :- How is University of Surrey different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- There is no much difference among the top universities and it only depends on the course each university provides. The only point you need to understand is that the style of education is very different from the Indian education system. I got good guidance in choosing the university from websites like times good university ratings.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- That is a difficult question to answer. I’m not totally satisfied however partly satisfied. It was due to lack of time spent on researching, the top courses offered by different universities.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I lived on campus because it was my first time in UK. I never had any idea about what to do and where to live. So simply chose to stay on campus just like another overseas student.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK is a great place for studies. The education provided is pretty good in terms of standard in teaching at universities. They have well equipped labs and other facilities like huge libraries and 24/7 access to departments. Technical assessment and assignments replaces the traditional examination systems. One needs to have a strong hold in English, if they want to study in UK.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Checking the rank and quality of university should always be the first priority. To achieve this, timely investment in research on courses and universities.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- UK is the best place to study, however students should beware of black marked universities. There are lots of universities which are not reputed and are black listed. Before making any decisions it is important to check the ranking of the university and also the different services provided by the university. Don’t expect to be spoon-fed as in India. Also, one needs to find out, how good is the environment of the university? This can be checked from the previous students who have pursued their studies from that particular university.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- I was exposed to an international environment, felt the different culture, got to learn lot of new things and overall it was a very good experience. I learnt a lot which I would have never learnt if I had to do my Masters in India. UK is always a good option to do a Masters.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- The education system is very different from the education system here in India. There are no or less examinations as compared to India. UK universities prefer assignments where a student has to submit lot of assignments for which they are graded against. The study pattern is everyday rather than at last moment. This system is quite helpful and will provide a good experience in day to day life.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is worth if you are getting a degree in UK. After completing the course in UK there are a lot of opportunities in securing a job in the UK. This will in turn help you to repay the money or the loan invested in one's study. One can even plan to study in USA at lower costs as compared to the UK, as it all depends on one’s decision.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- My only advice would be, is to send their children to UK only if they can afford the price. This will definitely help in improving the future of their children. Otherwise, there are a lot of universities, which offer almost the same level of education here in India.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- One should be definite on their choice of the university and the course, as these decisions will definitely be effective in their future. Also, one need to have extra financial support, as one is unaware of the kind of expenses that can emerge once is in UK.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- Every country has its own culture and way of living. Nothing is impossible. The result completely depends upon the hard work put in.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes I did watch the movie; however I do not relate myself to this movie. The movie has a very nice motto behind it, the concept and thinking of the movie is very different and realistic as well. It resonates a good message to the students of this country.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Currently, I am studying and researching on networking fundamentals and will soon focus on finding a job in the same field.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- UK has definitely been affected by the recession and at present the job opportunities are low, but will definitely get better with time. There is high recession in the UK as compared to India. Currently, India has responded and recovered better. Finding a suitable job in the UK is difficult, whereas one can easily find a job in India. There are lots of students returning from UK due to same issue.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Parents need to be brave and should be willing to take the risk in sending their children overseas for higher education. This will definitely give the students a good exposure and a better opportunity in the industry.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No, currently I do not have any references. I will definitely call-back if I remember any.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Surrey how does it feel to be at University Of Surrey UK?
A :- I am feeling very good. The only issue was that I had to do a lot of research regarding the course before hastily taking a decision.
Q :- Please tell us about which courses you are studying and why you chose that course?
A :- Internet computing because I wanted to pursue my future in the world of networking. Since I had a good idea of networking, I knew that this would be the field for me. The course wasn’t difficult, however I faced issues with software coding since it wasn’t my forte.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- UK had a better market than other countries during the time I made my decision for further studies. There are lots of Indians in UK as well. The second reason I chose UK was because I had the assistance of my friend who came along with me for his higher studies.
Q :- How is University of Surrey different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- There is no much difference among the top universities and it only depends on the course each university provides. The only point you need to understand is that the style of education is very different from the Indian education system. I got good guidance in choosing the university from websites like times good university ratings.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- That is a difficult question to answer. I’m not totally satisfied however partly satisfied. It was due to lack of time spent on researching, the top courses offered by different universities.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I lived on campus because it was my first time in UK. I never had any idea about what to do and where to live. So simply chose to stay on campus just like another overseas student.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK is a great place for studies. The education provided is pretty good in terms of standard in teaching at universities. They have well equipped labs and other facilities like huge libraries and 24/7 access to departments. Technical assessment and assignments replaces the traditional examination systems. One needs to have a strong hold in English, if they want to study in UK.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Checking the rank and quality of university should always be the first priority. To achieve this, timely investment in research on courses and universities.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- UK is the best place to study, however students should beware of black marked universities. There are lots of universities which are not reputed and are black listed. Before making any decisions it is important to check the ranking of the university and also the different services provided by the university. Don’t expect to be spoon-fed as in India. Also, one needs to find out, how good is the environment of the university? This can be checked from the previous students who have pursued their studies from that particular university.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- I was exposed to an international environment, felt the different culture, got to learn lot of new things and overall it was a very good experience. I learnt a lot which I would have never learnt if I had to do my Masters in India. UK is always a good option to do a Masters.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- The education system is very different from the education system here in India. There are no or less examinations as compared to India. UK universities prefer assignments where a student has to submit lot of assignments for which they are graded against. The study pattern is everyday rather than at last moment. This system is quite helpful and will provide a good experience in day to day life.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is worth if you are getting a degree in UK. After completing the course in UK there are a lot of opportunities in securing a job in the UK. This will in turn help you to repay the money or the loan invested in one's study. One can even plan to study in USA at lower costs as compared to the UK, as it all depends on one’s decision.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- My only advice would be, is to send their children to UK only if they can afford the price. This will definitely help in improving the future of their children. Otherwise, there are a lot of universities, which offer almost the same level of education here in India.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- One should be definite on their choice of the university and the course, as these decisions will definitely be effective in their future. Also, one need to have extra financial support, as one is unaware of the kind of expenses that can emerge once is in UK.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- Every country has its own culture and way of living. Nothing is impossible. The result completely depends upon the hard work put in.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes I did watch the movie; however I do not relate myself to this movie. The movie has a very nice motto behind it, the concept and thinking of the movie is very different and realistic as well. It resonates a good message to the students of this country.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Currently, I am studying and researching on networking fundamentals and will soon focus on finding a job in the same field.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- UK has definitely been affected by the recession and at present the job opportunities are low, but will definitely get better with time. There is high recession in the UK as compared to India. Currently, India has responded and recovered better. Finding a suitable job in the UK is difficult, whereas one can easily find a job in India. There are lots of students returning from UK due to same issue.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Parents need to be brave and should be willing to take the risk in sending their children overseas for higher education. This will definitely give the students a good exposure and a better opportunity in the industry.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No, currently I do not have any references. I will definitely call-back if I remember any.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
My life as a student at Cornell University.
Shantanu K. shares his experience at Cornell University.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Cornell University how does it feel to be at Cornell University USA?
A :- Overall it is really good feeling. I am really thankful to my parents and to god for giving me such an opportunity.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing my Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering because it is the continuation of my under graduation (study). Also in USA we can do the latest research work with latest technology.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- I chose USA for higher education because of the reputed Universities in USA.
Q :- How is Cornell University different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- At Cornell I got exposure to the best professors, the brightest students and the latest technology resources. Getting a chance to interact with such leading researchers was a real experience.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus because the on-campus facility is mainly given to the under graduate students.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- Attending the college and type of research work is really good I would never get this experience or chance in India for such research.
Q :- How should students select the USA Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Firstly the type of courses that are offered and the research groups at the University. Ranking of the university may be used only as a guideline to determine the chance of admissions or any type of aid though it is not very important. Another factor is the location of the University as being in CA or Texas job/internship opportunities are varied especially for Electrical Engineering.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- The courses are flexible so they can opt for any course that they are interested in doing.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- USA has an open nature which makes it easy to interact with people from different countries. Experiencing life in USA is totally different.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Here the studies are depending on logic and reasoning also it depends heavily on the lab and individual projects.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Money wise I can’t say as it depends on person to person basis however here in USA we can get great exposure.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Nothing much for the parents apart from supporting their child for higher education and if possible to manage the funds required for the higher education.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Online resources like and such other websites are a great help to navigate through the very lengthy and time consuming application process, the documents required and the visa information too. Giving the GRE was only the first small step.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- 1) Motivating to work hard,
2) To live independent (as this is first time I am away from my family)
3) Time management.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- I saw the movie and I do relate myself to the movie however education system in India is also changing now.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- After completing this course I plan to work for a technical company to utilize my skills in the industry.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- Yes it has changed a lot for the international students. Now a days it is not very rosy as it used to be 5-10 years ago. The top companies have stopped hiring new people especially fresher’s due to budget and visa limitations.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Nothing much just as given above.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No, no one else at present
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Cornell University how does it feel to be at Cornell University USA?
A :- Overall it is really good feeling. I am really thankful to my parents and to god for giving me such an opportunity.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing my Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering because it is the continuation of my under graduation (study). Also in USA we can do the latest research work with latest technology.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- I chose USA for higher education because of the reputed Universities in USA.
Q :- How is Cornell University different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- At Cornell I got exposure to the best professors, the brightest students and the latest technology resources. Getting a chance to interact with such leading researchers was a real experience.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus because the on-campus facility is mainly given to the under graduate students.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- Attending the college and type of research work is really good I would never get this experience or chance in India for such research.
Q :- How should students select the USA Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Firstly the type of courses that are offered and the research groups at the University. Ranking of the university may be used only as a guideline to determine the chance of admissions or any type of aid though it is not very important. Another factor is the location of the University as being in CA or Texas job/internship opportunities are varied especially for Electrical Engineering.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- The courses are flexible so they can opt for any course that they are interested in doing.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- USA has an open nature which makes it easy to interact with people from different countries. Experiencing life in USA is totally different.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Here the studies are depending on logic and reasoning also it depends heavily on the lab and individual projects.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Money wise I can’t say as it depends on person to person basis however here in USA we can get great exposure.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Nothing much for the parents apart from supporting their child for higher education and if possible to manage the funds required for the higher education.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Online resources like and such other websites are a great help to navigate through the very lengthy and time consuming application process, the documents required and the visa information too. Giving the GRE was only the first small step.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- 1) Motivating to work hard,
2) To live independent (as this is first time I am away from my family)
3) Time management.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- I saw the movie and I do relate myself to the movie however education system in India is also changing now.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- After completing this course I plan to work for a technical company to utilize my skills in the industry.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- Yes it has changed a lot for the international students. Now a days it is not very rosy as it used to be 5-10 years ago. The top companies have stopped hiring new people especially fresher’s due to budget and visa limitations.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Nothing much just as given above.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No, no one else at present
Monday, February 21, 2011
My life as a student at Kensington College of Business.
Thakarshi M. shares his experience at Kensington College of Business.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Kensington College of Business how does it feel to be at Kensington College of Business UK?
A :- I feel good. College is good as the number of Indians is high. Environment is also good.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am pursuing MBA. I did bachelors in computer application from India. So for good experience in IT and future I chose the same course.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I have been working for One and half years earlier in UK. So was quite aware of the environment and culture of UK.
Q :- How is Kensington College of Business different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- It is a good university. There are better lecturers and professors. It consists of more Indian people. Also I saved money (around 2000 pounds).
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes, obviously.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I stay off campus. There is no campus in the university. As I was working in UK so I have my own registered property (apartment).
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- Currently the situation is not good in UK. No jobs available, particularly in London. So the situation is quite terrible. UK won’t be a good choice if is not affordable. If student think that they will work and take care of their expenses then it’s a huge mistake because even cleaner’s job is not available for students.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- One can search through internet. Do not believe the agents in India as they are not aware of the situation and environment of the university. Before selecting the course and the university one should be strong on the research.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- They should be financially strong. They should take care about the expenses from savings. The UK Government is not bothered about the students. They are only interested in earning money. While studying students can’t recover the money which they invested in the studies.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Being abroad is always learning. The culture is different, I learnt how to communicate with people, it’s better than USA. Good manners. It teaches you how to be independent.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- In Indian education system, students read book, mug up and write the paper. But in UK online software’s are available which can’t let copy anything from other because the software’s tracks the similarity of answers. If it finds more than 25% material same, strictly 0 marks. One has to think and write. The preparations should be good enough. Not only reading but understanding is really important. So comparatively UK is better than India.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes, it is worth investing because after completion of the course in UK, one is benefited more than India in terms of future as well as quality. So investing Rs.5 to 7 lakhs in UK is worth.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- The parents should allow their children to focus on their studies only. They should not expect the student to earn and learn. They should be strong in terms of finance. Currently 40 people live together in one house as the living expenses is high i.e. Rs.25000/- per month (300 pounds). So forget about covering money, let them focus on study. They should help them funding as much required.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- They should have enough finance. Secondly they should choose good & ranked university. Before going, find the environment of the city in UK where going, which kind of people live in it. Choose the university where more Indians are there, where you can get same diet as in India. This can be sorted out online as well, so research is quite important. Only focus in studies, never bunk or try to earn while studying.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- Culture, well-mannered people, communication, body language. Good systematic government, job culture is good as I have work experience. Time keeping is most important. Be on time, go on time.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes I did. No, because I got good personal life here but just worried about my family as I stay apart from them.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Live and work in UK only at any cost.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Preparation is really important. They should be mentally prepared before selecting any thing. The selection of the place should be according to good environment and quality.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- Piyush Khandelwal doings Masters of Architecture.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Kensington College of Business how does it feel to be at Kensington College of Business UK?
A :- I feel good. College is good as the number of Indians is high. Environment is also good.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am pursuing MBA. I did bachelors in computer application from India. So for good experience in IT and future I chose the same course.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I have been working for One and half years earlier in UK. So was quite aware of the environment and culture of UK.
Q :- How is Kensington College of Business different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- It is a good university. There are better lecturers and professors. It consists of more Indian people. Also I saved money (around 2000 pounds).
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes, obviously.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I stay off campus. There is no campus in the university. As I was working in UK so I have my own registered property (apartment).
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- Currently the situation is not good in UK. No jobs available, particularly in London. So the situation is quite terrible. UK won’t be a good choice if is not affordable. If student think that they will work and take care of their expenses then it’s a huge mistake because even cleaner’s job is not available for students.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- One can search through internet. Do not believe the agents in India as they are not aware of the situation and environment of the university. Before selecting the course and the university one should be strong on the research.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- They should be financially strong. They should take care about the expenses from savings. The UK Government is not bothered about the students. They are only interested in earning money. While studying students can’t recover the money which they invested in the studies.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Being abroad is always learning. The culture is different, I learnt how to communicate with people, it’s better than USA. Good manners. It teaches you how to be independent.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- In Indian education system, students read book, mug up and write the paper. But in UK online software’s are available which can’t let copy anything from other because the software’s tracks the similarity of answers. If it finds more than 25% material same, strictly 0 marks. One has to think and write. The preparations should be good enough. Not only reading but understanding is really important. So comparatively UK is better than India.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes, it is worth investing because after completion of the course in UK, one is benefited more than India in terms of future as well as quality. So investing Rs.5 to 7 lakhs in UK is worth.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- The parents should allow their children to focus on their studies only. They should not expect the student to earn and learn. They should be strong in terms of finance. Currently 40 people live together in one house as the living expenses is high i.e. Rs.25000/- per month (300 pounds). So forget about covering money, let them focus on study. They should help them funding as much required.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- They should have enough finance. Secondly they should choose good & ranked university. Before going, find the environment of the city in UK where going, which kind of people live in it. Choose the university where more Indians are there, where you can get same diet as in India. This can be sorted out online as well, so research is quite important. Only focus in studies, never bunk or try to earn while studying.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- Culture, well-mannered people, communication, body language. Good systematic government, job culture is good as I have work experience. Time keeping is most important. Be on time, go on time.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes I did. No, because I got good personal life here but just worried about my family as I stay apart from them.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Live and work in UK only at any cost.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Preparation is really important. They should be mentally prepared before selecting any thing. The selection of the place should be according to good environment and quality.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- Piyush Khandelwal doings Masters of Architecture.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
My life as a student at University of Glasgow
Rahul S. shares his experience at University of Glasgow.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Glasgow how does it feel to be at University Of Glasgow UK?
A :- It’s really very good feeling as this is one of the best institute.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing M Sc. in Management. I chose this course because I always wanted to be an entrepreneur and also according to me M Sc. in management will help me more than doing MBA. I have completed my under graduation in Genetics.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I chose UK for higher education because in UK the course is only for 1 year and in other countries the course is for 2 years. The quality of the education is very good and in Glasgow I have a family friend who stays here so it was easier for me.
Q :- How is University Of Glasgow different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- There are 4 Universities in Glasgow and University of Glasgow is very old University and it’s one of the first four English Speaking University. The quality and the reputation are very high.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off campus because it is cheap and the distance from campus to the University and the city center is very far, the place where I live near to the city center have lots of shops where I get the things needed very easily and cheap. It is the same distance what we have to travel from campus to the university and my place to the university.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK is very good place to live in from the job perspective right now it is difficult to get a job but then it depends on the grades that you get for the job here. I have few friends, who were my seniors, they got good job however there are few who did not get any suitable job yet so that depends. After completing the course we have 2 years post study work i.e. we have permission to work for 2 yrs. and according to the rules if we get a good job with a salary above 22000 pounds p.a., we can get the work permit easily, this is for those who are below 22 yrs. old by age, and for above 22years of age the salary cap they should have is 27000 pounds p.a. Here the salary depends on the age, the salary increases with age. Even for part time jobs those who are below 22 yrs. age they get the maximum 4 pounds and 83 pence /hr. and for those above 22 yrs. old they get around 5 pounds and 83 pence / hr.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Look out for the best Universities. In each University there will be one course that will be highly reputed; the student should give preference to the University depending on the course that he is planning to pursue and the quality of education. Fees are also a concern so they need to have budget. If they are planning to go abroad then it is good if they already know someone in that country because if the student doesn’t know any one then for first few months it will be very hard to survive or else they should stay on campus as the people there are helpful.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- Choose your course and the University properly; also check the location where the university is actually located i.e. make sure that it is not far from the town because not all Universities are in town some are far from town and the students who are out there may face problems to get the things needed from shop, as there are no shops near to the University they have to travel a lot to get into the town for purchasing. Such Universities do give scholarship however please decide very well before choosing such University.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Other than academics it’s a very good place to live, the culture is very different, we learn to respect everyone. No pollution at all as there is less number of vehicles it is a very clean place.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Study in India is like spoon feeding as we get each and every notes, books etc. to attend the classes is also compulsory however here the attendance is not compulsory, you need to collect the notes and you have to search for the journals by your own. We are given assignments which we have to complete in a month’s time for which we have to do lots of research work they do check the assignments and it should not be similar to other students.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- For me yes it is worth because University of Glasgow has its own reputation and I got good experience before selecting the University I thought of doing the course in India however I found it very much similar to the Engineering study. Education is good here and we learn to adapt in different country and new culture.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Parents really need to help their child while choosing the course and the University they should not think that let the student decide or if some of the students friends are going to abroad country then they should not decide on this behalf, instead of this they should search the information go to the consultants for guidance. In my case my Dad helped me a lot in selecting the University he came with me to the consultancy asked the doubts that he had and then we selected the University.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- The students should not give much preference to part time job when they are doing the course, if they think that they can manage the job and study well then they can do it, however if they don’t get good grades then it will be difficult for them to get the job.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- 1) Help yourself, 2) Respect everyone and 3) Study really hard to achieve your goal.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- I didn’t watch the movie however I have read the book 5 point someone because I thought it’s the same story, I will watch when I get time.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- After my course I will be looking for a job here in retail management and then after 2 years if I have good finance and the time is also suitable then I will plan for my MBA.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- 2 years back it was easy to find a job with good salary and to extend the visa however now there are job cuttings and it is very hard to get the job. Now it depends on us, if we are helpful to the company and we work really hard for them only then they will be ready to sponsor us to extend the visa. It is not a cake work to get a job in UK and to settle down without working really hard.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- No, not really.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- Yes, her name is Jesintha Rose, she is here from last September she is also from Chennai, she is doing Life sciences.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Glasgow how does it feel to be at University Of Glasgow UK?
A :- It’s really very good feeling as this is one of the best institute.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing M Sc. in Management. I chose this course because I always wanted to be an entrepreneur and also according to me M Sc. in management will help me more than doing MBA. I have completed my under graduation in Genetics.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I chose UK for higher education because in UK the course is only for 1 year and in other countries the course is for 2 years. The quality of the education is very good and in Glasgow I have a family friend who stays here so it was easier for me.
Q :- How is University Of Glasgow different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- There are 4 Universities in Glasgow and University of Glasgow is very old University and it’s one of the first four English Speaking University. The quality and the reputation are very high.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off campus because it is cheap and the distance from campus to the University and the city center is very far, the place where I live near to the city center have lots of shops where I get the things needed very easily and cheap. It is the same distance what we have to travel from campus to the university and my place to the university.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK is very good place to live in from the job perspective right now it is difficult to get a job but then it depends on the grades that you get for the job here. I have few friends, who were my seniors, they got good job however there are few who did not get any suitable job yet so that depends. After completing the course we have 2 years post study work i.e. we have permission to work for 2 yrs. and according to the rules if we get a good job with a salary above 22000 pounds p.a., we can get the work permit easily, this is for those who are below 22 yrs. old by age, and for above 22years of age the salary cap they should have is 27000 pounds p.a. Here the salary depends on the age, the salary increases with age. Even for part time jobs those who are below 22 yrs. age they get the maximum 4 pounds and 83 pence /hr. and for those above 22 yrs. old they get around 5 pounds and 83 pence / hr.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Look out for the best Universities. In each University there will be one course that will be highly reputed; the student should give preference to the University depending on the course that he is planning to pursue and the quality of education. Fees are also a concern so they need to have budget. If they are planning to go abroad then it is good if they already know someone in that country because if the student doesn’t know any one then for first few months it will be very hard to survive or else they should stay on campus as the people there are helpful.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- Choose your course and the University properly; also check the location where the university is actually located i.e. make sure that it is not far from the town because not all Universities are in town some are far from town and the students who are out there may face problems to get the things needed from shop, as there are no shops near to the University they have to travel a lot to get into the town for purchasing. Such Universities do give scholarship however please decide very well before choosing such University.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Other than academics it’s a very good place to live, the culture is very different, we learn to respect everyone. No pollution at all as there is less number of vehicles it is a very clean place.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Study in India is like spoon feeding as we get each and every notes, books etc. to attend the classes is also compulsory however here the attendance is not compulsory, you need to collect the notes and you have to search for the journals by your own. We are given assignments which we have to complete in a month’s time for which we have to do lots of research work they do check the assignments and it should not be similar to other students.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- For me yes it is worth because University of Glasgow has its own reputation and I got good experience before selecting the University I thought of doing the course in India however I found it very much similar to the Engineering study. Education is good here and we learn to adapt in different country and new culture.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Parents really need to help their child while choosing the course and the University they should not think that let the student decide or if some of the students friends are going to abroad country then they should not decide on this behalf, instead of this they should search the information go to the consultants for guidance. In my case my Dad helped me a lot in selecting the University he came with me to the consultancy asked the doubts that he had and then we selected the University.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- The students should not give much preference to part time job when they are doing the course, if they think that they can manage the job and study well then they can do it, however if they don’t get good grades then it will be difficult for them to get the job.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- 1) Help yourself, 2) Respect everyone and 3) Study really hard to achieve your goal.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- I didn’t watch the movie however I have read the book 5 point someone because I thought it’s the same story, I will watch when I get time.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- After my course I will be looking for a job here in retail management and then after 2 years if I have good finance and the time is also suitable then I will plan for my MBA.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- 2 years back it was easy to find a job with good salary and to extend the visa however now there are job cuttings and it is very hard to get the job. Now it depends on us, if we are helpful to the company and we work really hard for them only then they will be ready to sponsor us to extend the visa. It is not a cake work to get a job in UK and to settle down without working really hard.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- No, not really.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- Yes, her name is Jesintha Rose, she is here from last September she is also from Chennai, she is doing Life sciences.
Friday, February 18, 2011
My life as a student at Warshash Maritime Academy.
Shireesh N. shares his experience at Warshash Maritime Academy.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Warshash Maritime Academy. How does it feel to be at Warshash Maritime Academy, UK?
A :- Well so far I am feeling great to be the part of Warsash because of the campus location and modern equipment’s they have. Quite impressed with Library & IT suite.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing Officer of the Watch (OOW)course. This is the way I became a Second Mate in Merchant Navy.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- In Merchant Navy field, UK certificates have highest value than any other national certificates and the job opportunities are plenty.
Q :- How is Warsash Maritime Academy different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- I heard this is the best college for OOW course in UK because of their strict policies.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Well! so far I am happy.
Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- I cook myself and eat at home.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off campus since on campus is quite expensive.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- UK immigration laws have become very strict. Their college attendance will be sent to Border agency so they'll know how serious are you about your studies. Students coming to UK for aspiring education should make sure they complete their studies seriously on time. Also part time jobs is a serious problem here as of now.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Well people are seemed to be sincere in their jobs & time. Technically much advanced than India. Customer care services are quite polite towards the people.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India ?
A :- Technology is the key difference between both the countries. Ofcourse India is also technically advanced but not much in comparing with UK.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes it does worth. In my case I was left with no option to do the same course in India because of some local rules.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- As I told it would be too early for me to advice since it's been only few days I am in UK.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK?
A :- Finance is the most important factor. Since the climate is very cold students have to adapt to the local conditions which is not a big issue.
Q :- What are your future plans?
A :- I'd join back the ships and continue my job.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- Have taken loan from Credila.
Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- Credila’s process is quicker than any other bank and it funds any approved course. And lot of small reasons to say.
Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the future, will you be available for the chat on Cedilla’s expert chat session?
A :- Can't assure since I am off to seas most of the time but will opt to.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Students coming to UK should not consider part time job as of now because of recession. Make sure to have enough funds for their education and stay in UK.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Warshash Maritime Academy. How does it feel to be at Warshash Maritime Academy, UK?
A :- Well so far I am feeling great to be the part of Warsash because of the campus location and modern equipment’s they have. Quite impressed with Library & IT suite.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing Officer of the Watch (OOW)course. This is the way I became a Second Mate in Merchant Navy.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- In Merchant Navy field, UK certificates have highest value than any other national certificates and the job opportunities are plenty.
Q :- How is Warsash Maritime Academy different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- I heard this is the best college for OOW course in UK because of their strict policies.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Well! so far I am happy.
Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- I cook myself and eat at home.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off campus since on campus is quite expensive.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- UK immigration laws have become very strict. Their college attendance will be sent to Border agency so they'll know how serious are you about your studies. Students coming to UK for aspiring education should make sure they complete their studies seriously on time. Also part time jobs is a serious problem here as of now.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Well people are seemed to be sincere in their jobs & time. Technically much advanced than India. Customer care services are quite polite towards the people.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India ?
A :- Technology is the key difference between both the countries. Ofcourse India is also technically advanced but not much in comparing with UK.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes it does worth. In my case I was left with no option to do the same course in India because of some local rules.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- As I told it would be too early for me to advice since it's been only few days I am in UK.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK?
A :- Finance is the most important factor. Since the climate is very cold students have to adapt to the local conditions which is not a big issue.
Q :- What are your future plans?
A :- I'd join back the ships and continue my job.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- Have taken loan from Credila.
Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- Credila’s process is quicker than any other bank and it funds any approved course. And lot of small reasons to say.
Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the future, will you be available for the chat on Cedilla’s expert chat session?
A :- Can't assure since I am off to seas most of the time but will opt to.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Students coming to UK should not consider part time job as of now because of recession. Make sure to have enough funds for their education and stay in UK.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
My Life at Schulich School of Business, York University.
Gaurav S. shares his experience at Schulich School of Business, York University.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- MBA, I chose the course for given market conditions and my experience.
Q :- Why did you choose the Canada for higher education?
A :- My wife can work here and will need good workforce in some years.
Q :- How is Schulich School Of Business, York University is different than any other Canada University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about it?
A :- Its best school for marketing in Canada, this decision wasn't based on inputs from others.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes
Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- Well we cook ourselves.
Q :- Where do you live? On- campus or off-campus and why?
A :- On-campus at graduate apartment. Ease of availability and furnished.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the Canada for higher studies?
A :- Please be open to hard work and network constantly.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country Canada?
A :- Presentation and networking.
Q :- How are the studies in the Canada different than the studies in India?
A :- Indian studies are kids play; here development happens on a holistic level.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the Canada as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes, the responsibilities here are much higher and steeper learning curve. Innovation happens here. You outsource to India and for cheap labour.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Let them pursue what they want.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the Canada
A :- High costs of living and unforeseen expenses.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Become entrepreneur.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- Part loan, part savings, rest parental grant.
Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- Dinesh Gehlot is the reason; he is a great human being.
Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the Future, will you be available for the chat on Credila’s expert chat session?
A :- Depends on my schedule.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Work hard and have faith.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- MBA, I chose the course for given market conditions and my experience.
Q :- Why did you choose the Canada for higher education?
A :- My wife can work here and will need good workforce in some years.
Q :- How is Schulich School Of Business, York University is different than any other Canada University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about it?
A :- Its best school for marketing in Canada, this decision wasn't based on inputs from others.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes
Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- Well we cook ourselves.
Q :- Where do you live? On- campus or off-campus and why?
A :- On-campus at graduate apartment. Ease of availability and furnished.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the Canada for higher studies?
A :- Please be open to hard work and network constantly.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country Canada?
A :- Presentation and networking.
Q :- How are the studies in the Canada different than the studies in India?
A :- Indian studies are kids play; here development happens on a holistic level.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the Canada as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes, the responsibilities here are much higher and steeper learning curve. Innovation happens here. You outsource to India and for cheap labour.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Let them pursue what they want.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the Canada
A :- High costs of living and unforeseen expenses.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Become entrepreneur.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- Part loan, part savings, rest parental grant.
Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- Dinesh Gehlot is the reason; he is a great human being.
Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the Future, will you be available for the chat on Credila’s expert chat session?
A :- Depends on my schedule.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Work hard and have faith.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My life as a student at Florida Institute of Technology
Haripriya M. shares her experience at Florida Institute of Technology.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Florida Institute of Technology, How does it feel to be at Florida Institute of Technology USA?
A :- It is very good to be here in Florida Institute of Technology, it’s a small University however peaceful town.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing my MS in Electrical Engineering, because I have completed my BE in electrical engineering.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- I chose USA for higher education because here we have good opportunities after completing the course.
Q :- How is Florida Institute Of Technology different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- I don’t know how it is different from other universities however what I know is the locality is very good, not much population, very calm place. The teaching faculty is very good, also I got a scholarship from the university which has covered the one part of the tuition fees. The cost of living is cheap.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am very much happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off campus as this is cheap.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- If the students are planning for North of USA then they should get used to the climate and the food. As in USA there are many Indian restaurants however it’s good to get used to the food over here. Also whenever someone helps us here they do expect a thank you from our side which can build up a good relationship.
Q :- How should students select the US Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Students while selecting the University they should check the course structure because each and every University has different courses and course structures. It should depend on the student’s interest on the course that they want to pursue. They should also check on the companies that come for recruiting in the university and the companies around the locality.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- Many students decide on the university by seeing their rank however frankly speaking rank is not that much important, the study pattern and the course are important.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- Very good and helpful people, calm climate and the climate here where I am is similar to what we have in Chennai so it was easy for me to get used to it. There is not much population here.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- In India we have more of theoretical part than practical and here we have more of practical part. I had an open book exam here where we can use the book while writing exams because what the faculty needs is that we should understand what we study and sometimes there are no exams it’s just the practical or a presentation depending on that they give the grades.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is definitely worth spending because after completing the course we have good opportunities here.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Just leave it to the student if they want to pursue their higher education in USA or abroad countries, do not force them for the education part.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Collect information about the university and the course structure by your own, because going through consultancy will cost you much and they are just into business of making money from the students and also they do have tie ups with the universities. So whatever you can do it by yourself do that as you can save lot of amount and the information is clearly given in the university website.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- 1]Be independent,
2] How to live independent?
3] How to get in with different culture and different people.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes, I saw the movie and I wish that I could relate myself to the movie.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- My future plan depends on where I get a job.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- No views.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- No other advice.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No references.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Florida Institute of Technology, How does it feel to be at Florida Institute of Technology USA?
A :- It is very good to be here in Florida Institute of Technology, it’s a small University however peaceful town.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing my MS in Electrical Engineering, because I have completed my BE in electrical engineering.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- I chose USA for higher education because here we have good opportunities after completing the course.
Q :- How is Florida Institute Of Technology different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- I don’t know how it is different from other universities however what I know is the locality is very good, not much population, very calm place. The teaching faculty is very good, also I got a scholarship from the university which has covered the one part of the tuition fees. The cost of living is cheap.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am very much happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off campus as this is cheap.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- If the students are planning for North of USA then they should get used to the climate and the food. As in USA there are many Indian restaurants however it’s good to get used to the food over here. Also whenever someone helps us here they do expect a thank you from our side which can build up a good relationship.
Q :- How should students select the US Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Students while selecting the University they should check the course structure because each and every University has different courses and course structures. It should depend on the student’s interest on the course that they want to pursue. They should also check on the companies that come for recruiting in the university and the companies around the locality.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- Many students decide on the university by seeing their rank however frankly speaking rank is not that much important, the study pattern and the course are important.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- Very good and helpful people, calm climate and the climate here where I am is similar to what we have in Chennai so it was easy for me to get used to it. There is not much population here.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- In India we have more of theoretical part than practical and here we have more of practical part. I had an open book exam here where we can use the book while writing exams because what the faculty needs is that we should understand what we study and sometimes there are no exams it’s just the practical or a presentation depending on that they give the grades.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is definitely worth spending because after completing the course we have good opportunities here.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Just leave it to the student if they want to pursue their higher education in USA or abroad countries, do not force them for the education part.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Collect information about the university and the course structure by your own, because going through consultancy will cost you much and they are just into business of making money from the students and also they do have tie ups with the universities. So whatever you can do it by yourself do that as you can save lot of amount and the information is clearly given in the university website.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- 1]Be independent,
2] How to live independent?
3] How to get in with different culture and different people.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes, I saw the movie and I wish that I could relate myself to the movie.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- My future plan depends on where I get a job.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- No views.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- No other advice.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- No references.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My life as a student at University of Warwick
Pratik T. shares his experience at University of Warwick.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University of Warwick. How does it feel to be at University of Warwick UK?
A :- Great experience. It was nice being in a top most school. Learnt things with different background, good faculty and nice exposure.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- Masters in Finance, specialized in Investment management. I am very much interested as the course is very much related to my career. I am also pursuing chartered accountant so masters would help me a lot in future. Also it is better than MBA.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- Indian education system is based on UK education system. They easily accept students who complete their 3years after HSC like BA which USA doesn’t. There courses are short term like 1year which is equivalent to the course of 2years in USA and this save a lot of time too.
Q :- How is University of Warwick different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- It provides best quality. Also it sustains the mixtures of theory of application which is important for my career. Provides hand on experience. Students are eligible to get internship based on projects which helps them to work with UK companies with helpful experience. The university consists of people of different cultures from more than 50-60 countries.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A : Yes, I am quite happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I stay on-campus because masters courses are lot hectic which consist of lectures and project work. So it’s hard to stay off-campus. Biggest advantage is to stay with student of different cultures.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK is good place for study. Before going to UK I heard lot of rumors from my friends but I experienced no racism. There are good universities which consist people of all the communities. UK helps to feel countryside which gives peace of mind.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Before taking any decision the students should contact respective place for detail information. They shouldn’t go blindly on basis of the ranking of the university. They should inquire how the place is. Also research is important thing in terms of quality of teaching and environment.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- They should plan 2 years before going. Figure out GMAT or IELTS. Try to understand the University, prospect, culture. The student should be very précised on what they are doing.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- The Culture of the people, it is not the same like India where people wake-up late in the day and start their work late. In UK People are on time. They start working by 7.30am. This provides time space for our social life. After work people can just hang around in bar or watch cricket or football matches together which is again a different and nice experience.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- The professors don’t provide spoon feeding. The student has to understand and learn on his own which helps the student to stabilize and stand on his own feet. Guidance is good. They motivate students and make them understand that they are the students, the one who have taken a lot more efforts to study here.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is good to spend because the knowledge and the experienced gained is different but only spend if affordable. I have seen lot of students taking loan where their parents are not even affording to pay the EMI which again is a huge burden. So I suggest if not affordable then it’s better to study in India. Even good universities are available in India too.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- The parents should concentrate on big university, not by ranking or low value.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Finance is the most important factor for studies in UK based on university. They should figure out important things before time. They should plan to apply for admissions on time and good universities. Also should do lot of research and development before taking any decision.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- 1] How to interact with people of different cultures.
2] I learnt a lot in terms of being responsible and manage things on my own, even small things like cooking/washing/taking care of self. It helps you to gloom from a boy to a man.
3] UK teaches how to deal tough life.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- No, I have not seen the movie.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Gaining good experience and also planning to do MBA from USA.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- Not so well. There is a high possibility to not get job in UK. According to me it’s better to study in UK and earn in India. It consists of high expenses. The Europeans are more and Americans are less.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- The parents should only plan for abroad studies if affordable and have enough finance. I request not to take risk if not affordable. They should only plan for good universities. If affordable then it’s really worth studying in UK.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- As of now I don’t have any references.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University of Warwick. How does it feel to be at University of Warwick UK?
A :- Great experience. It was nice being in a top most school. Learnt things with different background, good faculty and nice exposure.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- Masters in Finance, specialized in Investment management. I am very much interested as the course is very much related to my career. I am also pursuing chartered accountant so masters would help me a lot in future. Also it is better than MBA.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- Indian education system is based on UK education system. They easily accept students who complete their 3years after HSC like BA which USA doesn’t. There courses are short term like 1year which is equivalent to the course of 2years in USA and this save a lot of time too.
Q :- How is University of Warwick different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- It provides best quality. Also it sustains the mixtures of theory of application which is important for my career. Provides hand on experience. Students are eligible to get internship based on projects which helps them to work with UK companies with helpful experience. The university consists of people of different cultures from more than 50-60 countries.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A : Yes, I am quite happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I stay on-campus because masters courses are lot hectic which consist of lectures and project work. So it’s hard to stay off-campus. Biggest advantage is to stay with student of different cultures.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK is good place for study. Before going to UK I heard lot of rumors from my friends but I experienced no racism. There are good universities which consist people of all the communities. UK helps to feel countryside which gives peace of mind.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Before taking any decision the students should contact respective place for detail information. They shouldn’t go blindly on basis of the ranking of the university. They should inquire how the place is. Also research is important thing in terms of quality of teaching and environment.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- They should plan 2 years before going. Figure out GMAT or IELTS. Try to understand the University, prospect, culture. The student should be very précised on what they are doing.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- The Culture of the people, it is not the same like India where people wake-up late in the day and start their work late. In UK People are on time. They start working by 7.30am. This provides time space for our social life. After work people can just hang around in bar or watch cricket or football matches together which is again a different and nice experience.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- The professors don’t provide spoon feeding. The student has to understand and learn on his own which helps the student to stabilize and stand on his own feet. Guidance is good. They motivate students and make them understand that they are the students, the one who have taken a lot more efforts to study here.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is good to spend because the knowledge and the experienced gained is different but only spend if affordable. I have seen lot of students taking loan where their parents are not even affording to pay the EMI which again is a huge burden. So I suggest if not affordable then it’s better to study in India. Even good universities are available in India too.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- The parents should concentrate on big university, not by ranking or low value.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Finance is the most important factor for studies in UK based on university. They should figure out important things before time. They should plan to apply for admissions on time and good universities. Also should do lot of research and development before taking any decision.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- 1] How to interact with people of different cultures.
2] I learnt a lot in terms of being responsible and manage things on my own, even small things like cooking/washing/taking care of self. It helps you to gloom from a boy to a man.
3] UK teaches how to deal tough life.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- No, I have not seen the movie.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- Gaining good experience and also planning to do MBA from USA.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- Not so well. There is a high possibility to not get job in UK. According to me it’s better to study in UK and earn in India. It consists of high expenses. The Europeans are more and Americans are less.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- The parents should only plan for abroad studies if affordable and have enough finance. I request not to take risk if not affordable. They should only plan for good universities. If affordable then it’s really worth studying in UK.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- As of now I don’t have any references.
Monday, February 14, 2011
My life as a student at University of Leicester
Abirami P. shares his experience at University of Leicester.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Leicester. How does it feel to be at University Of Leicester UK?
A :- I am very happy about it.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing my in Infection and Immunity, I selected this course because I am interested in immunology and my projects are full of research.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I chose UK because I can complete my PG in 1 year and in other countries the course is for 2 years and the fees is also high.
Q :- How is University of Leicester different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- University Of Leicester is different because of its science background as the DNA finger printing was discovered here and it is ranking 7th.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- I am happy and satisfied with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live on-campus because the University is very near and I need to go to the lab very often for my project work and for which I don’t have to travel much.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- I can only speak about my experience with University. University Of Leicester is very good. There are all lab facilities here, people are ready to help you out anytime even for small things. They help you out for job and for future plans and they guide really well. As compared to other location in UK the living expenses are not much.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Important thing to remember is that in UK all the Universities are specialized in different department and different department has different criteria’s even the ranking is different. The student should choose the University depending on their department and interest, they should select the top ranking University.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- UK Universities are good for all students for bioscience and MBA degree. Select the course and the University depending on their own interest and the department.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Other than academics the culture is different, they mainly look into manners, surrounding is neat and clean. Here I stay with students from other countries so I get to know them and their cultures also.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Here they look for perfection; even it is a small thing that you do it should be done perfectly. Quality is what matters than quantity. It is not that you have to know more, it’s that the things and knowledge that you have should be clear and perfect.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is indeed expensive to gain a degree in UK however it is more effective. In India we don’t have much lab facilities as compared to UK.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Parents should not impose or force the students for anything they should let the student decide and then they can collect the information and can support their child for the higher education.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Ranking of the University; area of interest of the student; also check out for scholarship given by the University.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- 1) Dept. of knowledge increases,
2) Hard work is required,
3) Manage every single thing and adjust according to that (self-management is required).
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- No.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- To get a job in UK.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- Current economic environment has made the employment very low, however people say that it will be changed after 6-7 months. Here for job they prefer their people first however if you can show the talent and good communication skills then we can get the job easily.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Before selecting the University and the location take advice from the consultancies, approach 3-4 consultancies and then as per their guidance and your information you can select the course, University and the location.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- I have few friends however they are busy with their project I will speak to them and will give their references later.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Leicester. How does it feel to be at University Of Leicester UK?
A :- I am very happy about it.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing my in Infection and Immunity, I selected this course because I am interested in immunology and my projects are full of research.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I chose UK because I can complete my PG in 1 year and in other countries the course is for 2 years and the fees is also high.
Q :- How is University of Leicester different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- University Of Leicester is different because of its science background as the DNA finger printing was discovered here and it is ranking 7th.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- I am happy and satisfied with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live on-campus because the University is very near and I need to go to the lab very often for my project work and for which I don’t have to travel much.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- I can only speak about my experience with University. University Of Leicester is very good. There are all lab facilities here, people are ready to help you out anytime even for small things. They help you out for job and for future plans and they guide really well. As compared to other location in UK the living expenses are not much.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Important thing to remember is that in UK all the Universities are specialized in different department and different department has different criteria’s even the ranking is different. The student should choose the University depending on their department and interest, they should select the top ranking University.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- UK Universities are good for all students for bioscience and MBA degree. Select the course and the University depending on their own interest and the department.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Other than academics the culture is different, they mainly look into manners, surrounding is neat and clean. Here I stay with students from other countries so I get to know them and their cultures also.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Here they look for perfection; even it is a small thing that you do it should be done perfectly. Quality is what matters than quantity. It is not that you have to know more, it’s that the things and knowledge that you have should be clear and perfect.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It is indeed expensive to gain a degree in UK however it is more effective. In India we don’t have much lab facilities as compared to UK.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Parents should not impose or force the students for anything they should let the student decide and then they can collect the information and can support their child for the higher education.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Ranking of the University; area of interest of the student; also check out for scholarship given by the University.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- 1) Dept. of knowledge increases,
2) Hard work is required,
3) Manage every single thing and adjust according to that (self-management is required).
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- No.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- To get a job in UK.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- Current economic environment has made the employment very low, however people say that it will be changed after 6-7 months. Here for job they prefer their people first however if you can show the talent and good communication skills then we can get the job easily.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Before selecting the University and the location take advice from the consultancies, approach 3-4 consultancies and then as per their guidance and your information you can select the course, University and the location.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- I have few friends however they are busy with their project I will speak to them and will give their references later.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My life as a student at University Of Aberdeen
Rohit S. shares his experience as a student at University Of Aberdeen.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Aberdeen How does it feel to be at University Of Aberdeen UK?
A :- It makes me feel great when I think I’m doing my PG from University of Aberdeen. People here are good but 1 year is too short time to adopt new cultures and new system.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I'm doing MSc Drug Development with Bio-business. I choose this course as I wanted to be involved in how drug is developed right from the selection of lead molecule to clinical trials and launching it in market.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I chose UK for my PG as it is known for their expertise in Biological science and UK degree is respected and recognized worldwide.
Q :- How is University Of Aberdeen different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- University of Aberdeen maintains broad research base and provide ample opportunities to students to learn and grow vertically. The facilities provided by the Universities are worth spending the money. The professors and staff are very helpful and are involved in quality research work. Library and other facilities are world class.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yeah, I’m happy with my decision that I choose to study in University of Aberdeen. It’s just the right kind of University I wanted to join in and I’m sure the knowledge and exposure which I’ll get here will be driving force of my future.
Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- Mostly I self-cook and eat at home but there are a handful of Indian restaurants also were we eat sometimes.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus, in a rented flat sharing the flat with 2 other guys.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK itself is a very good experience, places are very nice and beautiful but even in Shimla and Manali view are same. People are really helpful with a few exceptions. But UK is full of different cultures so be comfortable with that. Education system is different from India one need to take appointment to meet professors, you cannot just copy from anywhere and write in your assignments, UK is very strict about plagiarism (copying some else’s work). I think most Indian students initially face problems with plagiarism. Since the course is very short and continuous assessment, one has to keep working always.
But if you can cope with intense pressures of deadline and vast amount of knowledge then UK is for you.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- I'll advise them to have some work experience in their stream as it will help them in getting job after the course and work on presentation skills, as presentation is given a lot of importance here.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK ?
A :- Other than academics I learnt how to manage time, how to create good search strategy, working in team and many formal manner and etiquettes.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Studies are a lot different, in India not much emphasis is given on self-work so people most of the time copy from various sources. Indian students don't have exposure to scientists and experts academicians and there is no link between industry and universities which can provide live information of what is happening in industry or what industry demands.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- I think it is worth spending the money as the facilities, interaction with the scientists, highly qualified professor, international exposure and good opportunities makes it worth. In India I could not find such course.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- I would like to advise them not to hurry as it’s a huge investment and they should look whether their child could bear that burden on deadlines and doing all the work on their own. As I have seen many students (mostly girls) not able to bear the intense pressure of deadlines and exams.
The climate to an extent adds to their frustration as it gets very depressing in winter in Aberdeen.
So I would suggest to parents to look in their child, the potential they are worth for instead of just blindly send them into a foreign university.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- UK is costly place to live and study as International students, so always plan with ample time in hand try to get some scholarship. Try not to concentrate more on part time work after you arrive here as the main motive is to study not to work part time. Improve your presentation and learning skills as far as possible.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- I’ll search for jobs in Pharmaceutical industry if I don't get a fully funded PhD.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- I took a loan from Credila.
Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- I chose Credila for the ease with which they approved my loan.
Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the future, will you be available for the chat on Credila’s expert chat session?
A :- I love to help prospective students but I have classes from 9 am to 5 pm (10:30 pm India) (mon-fri) so its not possible on weekdays, may be on weekends.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Don’t hurry for anything.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Aberdeen How does it feel to be at University Of Aberdeen UK?
A :- It makes me feel great when I think I’m doing my PG from University of Aberdeen. People here are good but 1 year is too short time to adopt new cultures and new system.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I'm doing MSc Drug Development with Bio-business. I choose this course as I wanted to be involved in how drug is developed right from the selection of lead molecule to clinical trials and launching it in market.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I chose UK for my PG as it is known for their expertise in Biological science and UK degree is respected and recognized worldwide.
Q :- How is University Of Aberdeen different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- University of Aberdeen maintains broad research base and provide ample opportunities to students to learn and grow vertically. The facilities provided by the Universities are worth spending the money. The professors and staff are very helpful and are involved in quality research work. Library and other facilities are world class.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yeah, I’m happy with my decision that I choose to study in University of Aberdeen. It’s just the right kind of University I wanted to join in and I’m sure the knowledge and exposure which I’ll get here will be driving force of my future.
Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- Mostly I self-cook and eat at home but there are a handful of Indian restaurants also were we eat sometimes.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus, in a rented flat sharing the flat with 2 other guys.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK itself is a very good experience, places are very nice and beautiful but even in Shimla and Manali view are same. People are really helpful with a few exceptions. But UK is full of different cultures so be comfortable with that. Education system is different from India one need to take appointment to meet professors, you cannot just copy from anywhere and write in your assignments, UK is very strict about plagiarism (copying some else’s work). I think most Indian students initially face problems with plagiarism. Since the course is very short and continuous assessment, one has to keep working always.
But if you can cope with intense pressures of deadline and vast amount of knowledge then UK is for you.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- I'll advise them to have some work experience in their stream as it will help them in getting job after the course and work on presentation skills, as presentation is given a lot of importance here.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK ?
A :- Other than academics I learnt how to manage time, how to create good search strategy, working in team and many formal manner and etiquettes.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Studies are a lot different, in India not much emphasis is given on self-work so people most of the time copy from various sources. Indian students don't have exposure to scientists and experts academicians and there is no link between industry and universities which can provide live information of what is happening in industry or what industry demands.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- I think it is worth spending the money as the facilities, interaction with the scientists, highly qualified professor, international exposure and good opportunities makes it worth. In India I could not find such course.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- I would like to advise them not to hurry as it’s a huge investment and they should look whether their child could bear that burden on deadlines and doing all the work on their own. As I have seen many students (mostly girls) not able to bear the intense pressure of deadlines and exams.
The climate to an extent adds to their frustration as it gets very depressing in winter in Aberdeen.
So I would suggest to parents to look in their child, the potential they are worth for instead of just blindly send them into a foreign university.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- UK is costly place to live and study as International students, so always plan with ample time in hand try to get some scholarship. Try not to concentrate more on part time work after you arrive here as the main motive is to study not to work part time. Improve your presentation and learning skills as far as possible.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- I’ll search for jobs in Pharmaceutical industry if I don't get a fully funded PhD.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- I took a loan from Credila.
Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- I chose Credila for the ease with which they approved my loan.
Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the future, will you be available for the chat on Credila’s expert chat session?
A :- I love to help prospective students but I have classes from 9 am to 5 pm (10:30 pm India) (mon-fri) so its not possible on weekdays, may be on weekends.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Don’t hurry for anything.
Friday, February 11, 2011
My life as a student at University Of Plymouth
Magesh G. shares his experience as Student at University of Plymouth.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Plymouth how does it feel to be at University Of Plymouth UK?
A :- I feel very good to be a student of University of Plymouth.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing MS in communication and signal processing, I chose this course
because previously I have completed Bachelor’s degree in Communication and processing. My interest is in networking side as this is one of the important factors in today’s world as communication is necessary.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- In UK we have more of technical and practical study I thought of doing the same course in Australia however there it was a 2 years course and the fees also was 25 lakhs then I decided to do the course in UK which is of 1 year course and it has more scope than the course in Australia as the quality of study is much better.
Q :- How is University Of Plymouth University different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- It is one of the best Universities in UK and especially for the course that I am doing. There are only 5 Universities which has this course. The way of teaching is good, here we have more practical and technical stuff rather than theory part, we do have theory however it is less.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am totally happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off campus, I live with 3 friends, we have taken a room here. This is because it is really cheap than to live on-campus.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- Pattern of teaching is very nice, professors are good compared to India as they are always ready to help and answer even small questions. All are friendly and respectful however when it comes to study part they are equally strict. Here we also have project works which is to be submitted by the end of the year so it will be good if we try and work on the project from very beginning so that the project can be completed on time. People here are disciplined and very nice, totally different culture.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Research well before deciding on the university; don’t depend totally on the consultants; you should speak to other students who are studying in the university take their feed backs and then decide upon the university.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- After coming to UK don’t lose confidence, here I met few students who say that they have made wrong decision of coming to UK for their higher education, decide well before coming here. Choose the University according to your module. Do not take admissions in the low grade university because the chances of getting the job will be affected. Before coming here please learn cooking and study basic things that you have to do yourself.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- People out here are very good, traffic rules, police rules are very strict.
There is no pollution here as compared to India.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Technical and practical study is more than theoretical study. We do have project works and seminars.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes it is, if we are concentrating on the course to complete it on time.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- If you have decided that your child has to study in UK or abroad country then when they reach here do not make the statement that you miss them a lot because this will make them weak and students also should neglect the worries and loneliness which is the first thing that you should do when they come here.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Just concentrate on the course and study for which the student has come to UK and try to complete it on time because the courses are not that easy as it looks like. It is very different from the Indian study pattern.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- Discipline, punctuality, rules and regulations, education pattern and the different culture.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- I will be watching the movie soon as I have heard that it is a good movie.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- To complete my education and if possible to get a job here in UK or else will come back to India. Also to repay the loan amount taken soon.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- The temperature is very low it reaches -3 degrees to -6 degrees sometimes so it is a bit difficult to cope up with it.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Just prepare well before coming here for education, try and cope up with the environment and the culture that they have.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- Yes I do have some friends I will provide their references in the email.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University Of Plymouth how does it feel to be at University Of Plymouth UK?
A :- I feel very good to be a student of University of Plymouth.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing MS in communication and signal processing, I chose this course
because previously I have completed Bachelor’s degree in Communication and processing. My interest is in networking side as this is one of the important factors in today’s world as communication is necessary.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- In UK we have more of technical and practical study I thought of doing the same course in Australia however there it was a 2 years course and the fees also was 25 lakhs then I decided to do the course in UK which is of 1 year course and it has more scope than the course in Australia as the quality of study is much better.
Q :- How is University Of Plymouth University different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- It is one of the best Universities in UK and especially for the course that I am doing. There are only 5 Universities which has this course. The way of teaching is good, here we have more practical and technical stuff rather than theory part, we do have theory however it is less.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am totally happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off campus, I live with 3 friends, we have taken a room here. This is because it is really cheap than to live on-campus.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- Pattern of teaching is very nice, professors are good compared to India as they are always ready to help and answer even small questions. All are friendly and respectful however when it comes to study part they are equally strict. Here we also have project works which is to be submitted by the end of the year so it will be good if we try and work on the project from very beginning so that the project can be completed on time. People here are disciplined and very nice, totally different culture.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- Research well before deciding on the university; don’t depend totally on the consultants; you should speak to other students who are studying in the university take their feed backs and then decide upon the university.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- After coming to UK don’t lose confidence, here I met few students who say that they have made wrong decision of coming to UK for their higher education, decide well before coming here. Choose the University according to your module. Do not take admissions in the low grade university because the chances of getting the job will be affected. Before coming here please learn cooking and study basic things that you have to do yourself.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- People out here are very good, traffic rules, police rules are very strict.
There is no pollution here as compared to India.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Technical and practical study is more than theoretical study. We do have project works and seminars.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Yes it is, if we are concentrating on the course to complete it on time.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- If you have decided that your child has to study in UK or abroad country then when they reach here do not make the statement that you miss them a lot because this will make them weak and students also should neglect the worries and loneliness which is the first thing that you should do when they come here.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Just concentrate on the course and study for which the student has come to UK and try to complete it on time because the courses are not that easy as it looks like. It is very different from the Indian study pattern.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- Discipline, punctuality, rules and regulations, education pattern and the different culture.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- I will be watching the movie soon as I have heard that it is a good movie.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- To complete my education and if possible to get a job here in UK or else will come back to India. Also to repay the loan amount taken soon.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- The temperature is very low it reaches -3 degrees to -6 degrees sometimes so it is a bit difficult to cope up with it.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Just prepare well before coming here for education, try and cope up with the environment and the culture that they have.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- Yes I do have some friends I will provide their references in the email.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
My life as a student at University of Wales Institute :
Sandeep N. shares his experience at University of Wales Institute.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University of Wales Institute. How does it feel to be at University of Wales Institute UK?
A :- It is good. I got international exposure, learnt different culture but the market situation is not good for the students who are planning now. It will take 2years to take up again.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- MBA as I was always interested in management studies.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I always wanted an International exposure. Also it was recommended by friends and close ones.
Q :- How is University of Wales Institute different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- Good for fresher who has no work experience. Otherwise students should not come without work experience.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes so far.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- Off-campus as it is really expensive staying on-campus.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK is worth positive than negative side. One should be very confident as per what is he planning. I came to know what the restrictions are, learnt to manage life at my own, and also learnt on how to stay outside, from rise to sleep you yourself are the one responsible. The student will be much confident after returning India, which results into good earnings and good work experience. Also it helps in fast money earning.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- The student should take assistance from Times of India ranking. Also London times of India ranking are important as they follow up a lot. One of my friends completed the course in the same university and he recommended the same one to me.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- Good and bad both, 50-50% due to recession in UK. Even India is better to study if you are less on finance.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Living style, culture, learnt to became independent. Most important, I learnt every work is equal. If you are a manager in any firm you shouldn’t be ashamed of cleaning you own stuffs.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Indian studies are theoretical whereas UK is practical which helps to be very practical.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- In current situation no as UK is going through bad times. But in upcoming time one should come to UK for study. Once after completing the studies one will definitely enjoy life and responsibilities.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- To encourage their children for higher studies
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Money is the important factor,initial amount to be paid to the university. Consultancies are the best options to manage the university. It will be easier for parents too according to their budgets.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- When I entered UK, one said “don’t believe work, women and weather” in UK and I even experienced the same and it’s very true.
1) Difference of study pattern compared to India, good experience of virtual study. I can do MBA sitting at home; it’s a beautifully designed course.
2) After returning one will be confident in work part.
3) Different culture from India.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes, but it doesn’t relate to me as I was not forced to study my higher education in abroad. It was my own choice and decision of pursuing management courses.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- I am coming back to India in next week. I am planning to work with good traveling agencies. Also interviews are scheduled up in February.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- The economic environment after Christmas has changed a bit. UK government said if Christmas doesn’t goes well then UK is gone. The environment is ok, initially was terrible.It will change in another 2yrs.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Family like him they should think twice before coming. I think that student should not come without any work experience. If the students is from small family and fresher then very hard life in UK as it is hard to get job,repaying loan back will be difficult.One should at least have 2yrs of industrial / firm experience. Otherwise it’s not worth.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at University of Wales Institute. How does it feel to be at University of Wales Institute UK?
A :- It is good. I got international exposure, learnt different culture but the market situation is not good for the students who are planning now. It will take 2years to take up again.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- MBA as I was always interested in management studies.
Q :- Why did you choose the UK for higher education?
A :- I always wanted an International exposure. Also it was recommended by friends and close ones.
Q :- How is University of Wales Institute different than any other UK University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- Good for fresher who has no work experience. Otherwise students should not come without work experience.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes so far.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- Off-campus as it is really expensive staying on-campus.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the UK for aspiring students
A :- UK is worth positive than negative side. One should be very confident as per what is he planning. I came to know what the restrictions are, learnt to manage life at my own, and also learnt on how to stay outside, from rise to sleep you yourself are the one responsible. The student will be much confident after returning India, which results into good earnings and good work experience. Also it helps in fast money earning.
Q :- How should students select the UK Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- The student should take assistance from Times of India ranking. Also London times of India ranking are important as they follow up a lot. One of my friends completed the course in the same university and he recommended the same one to me.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the UK for higher studies?
A :- Good and bad both, 50-50% due to recession in UK. Even India is better to study if you are less on finance.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country UK?
A :- Living style, culture, learnt to became independent. Most important, I learnt every work is equal. If you are a manager in any firm you shouldn’t be ashamed of cleaning you own stuffs.
Q :- How are the studies in the UK different than the studies in India?
A :- Indian studies are theoretical whereas UK is practical which helps to be very practical.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the UK as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- In current situation no as UK is going through bad times. But in upcoming time one should come to UK for study. Once after completing the studies one will definitely enjoy life and responsibilities.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- To encourage their children for higher studies
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the UK
A :- Money is the important factor,initial amount to be paid to the university. Consultancies are the best options to manage the university. It will be easier for parents too according to their budgets.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the UK?
A :- When I entered UK, one said “don’t believe work, women and weather” in UK and I even experienced the same and it’s very true.
1) Difference of study pattern compared to India, good experience of virtual study. I can do MBA sitting at home; it’s a beautifully designed course.
2) After returning one will be confident in work part.
3) Different culture from India.
Q :- Did you see the movie 3 idiots? Do you relate to that movie? Please share your thoughts.
A :- Yes, but it doesn’t relate to me as I was not forced to study my higher education in abroad. It was my own choice and decision of pursuing management courses.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- I am coming back to India in next week. I am planning to work with good traveling agencies. Also interviews are scheduled up in February.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the UK? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- The economic environment after Christmas has changed a bit. UK government said if Christmas doesn’t goes well then UK is gone. The environment is ok, initially was terrible.It will change in another 2yrs.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Family like him they should think twice before coming. I think that student should not come without any work experience. If the students is from small family and fresher then very hard life in UK as it is hard to get job,repaying loan back will be difficult.One should at least have 2yrs of industrial / firm experience. Otherwise it’s not worth.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
My life as a student at Texas Tech University
Srinivasa R. shares his experience at Texas Tech University.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Texas Tech University how does it feel to be at Texas Tech University USA?
A :- It is very nice as here we gain more practical exposure.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- Master of Science in Civil Engineering, I chose this course as I did my bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and I am interested in this field and also to know more about the buildings, the earthquakes and the winds etc.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- I chose USA first of all because I got a scholarship here and I got an assistance ship where I became a part of the staff of Texas Tech University and I got the chance of doing research with the professors. The tuition fee was nominal. I was mainly interested in practical and research. I have got a very good scope here to work with the professors. Here we have lot of choice to select the course that fits into our interest.
Q :- How is Texas Tech University different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- It is different because in other university, they mainly have civil engineering and suction engineering however here in Texas Tech University they also have Wind Engineering field.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am very much happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus because the food that we have on-campus is totally American and I don’t like it so I stay off-campus.
Q :- How should students select the US Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- It varies from the interest of the student for the course that he needs to do, the resources and the funding part. Try to get the scholarship if possible, more than ranking of the University give preference to your field of interest. The location also matters because the Universities which are located in the North of USA, it is really cold over there and the students may have health problems.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- It is really good to study here in USA as we can gain lot of knowledge than any other country. The scope is good however the fees are high so it is good if the student gets a scholarship for his education or an assistance ship.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- Other than academics the USA culture is different, the professors are friendly in nature, the people out here are approachable and every one respects each other. Here we have more freedom like we can join any community, any clubs, it is not necessary that if you are from India then you can only join the Indian community rather you can join any other community also.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Here we have more research and practical stuff than the theory part, in India it is more into theoretical aspect. Indian professors teach a problem or a lesson and goes away as he is not concerned if everyone has understood the problem or the lesson taught, however here the professors are more friendly they help us a lot and they know each and every students level of understanding and thinking on the assignments provided they also help a lot to choose the projects to guide us well. The understanding level is too high.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Getting a degree from USA is worth however spending a huge amount is not that worth so try to get a good opportunity here and then plan for higher education in USA, also try to get scholarship.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Parents should try and send their child for higher studies abroad, they should not differentiate between a boy and a girl student. They should encourage the student if they are interested in doing their higher education abroad.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Money factor is important. Plan well because if after coming here if you did not get any scholarship, assistance ship or part time job and also after completing the course if you don’t get a job then you should be prepared to go back to India. They should think all the positive and negative terms and then plan for studies in the USA Universities.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- 1) The level and the power of my thinking increased and improved a lot, 2) Dealing with different people from different cultures and countries. 3) Time management and 4) Working with lot of pressure.
Q :- What difficulties you faced to get I-20? What precautions you have taken while applying for an I-20?
A :- Financial part was the major difficulty, I had to arrange for liquid cash. Also Credila’s loan sanction letter helped me a lot.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education? Was it required for you to show sources of funds before you got your I-20? How did you deal with that challenge?
A :- I took loan from Credila and some part I managed by my own source. Yes it was required to show the sources of funds before getting the I-20, for this Credila’s loan sanction letter helped a lot to show the source of funds and even I had some own funds.
Q :- How Credila's education loans Sanction letter help you to get your I-20?
A :- It helped me to show the source of funds available through Credila for my education. It was like a financial document.
Q :- How did Credila sanction letter help you to get your visa?
A :- Credila’s sanction letter was a financial document to show the funds available and it helped to get the visa and it helped to complete the required funds.
Q :- What are your suggestions for students who don't have funds for higher education and hence can't get I-20?
A :- Credila is the best Institute which helps a lot, I got the reference of Credila through Visa consultancy and I approached Credila for educational loan and they helped a lot. Credila is the best institute which can help you for the funding required and the sanction letter before I20 as it is also useful.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- To complete the course and to get a job here in USA. After working for 2-3 years I will be back to India.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- The current economy is not difficult to fund for the education however yes it has affected the jobs as the companies here have restrictions and they cannot sponsor the H1B visa. It is improving slowly.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Texas Tech University how does it feel to be at Texas Tech University USA?
A :- It is very nice as here we gain more practical exposure.
Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- Master of Science in Civil Engineering, I chose this course as I did my bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and I am interested in this field and also to know more about the buildings, the earthquakes and the winds etc.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- I chose USA first of all because I got a scholarship here and I got an assistance ship where I became a part of the staff of Texas Tech University and I got the chance of doing research with the professors. The tuition fee was nominal. I was mainly interested in practical and research. I have got a very good scope here to work with the professors. Here we have lot of choice to select the course that fits into our interest.
Q :- How is Texas Tech University different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about
A :- It is different because in other university, they mainly have civil engineering and suction engineering however here in Texas Tech University they also have Wind Engineering field.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am very much happy with my decision.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live off-campus because the food that we have on-campus is totally American and I don’t like it so I stay off-campus.
Q :- How should students select the US Universities? What are the important things to look at and compare among various Universities?
A :- It varies from the interest of the student for the course that he needs to do, the resources and the funding part. Try to get the scholarship if possible, more than ranking of the University give preference to your field of interest. The location also matters because the Universities which are located in the North of USA, it is really cold over there and the students may have health problems.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- It is really good to study here in USA as we can gain lot of knowledge than any other country. The scope is good however the fees are high so it is good if the student gets a scholarship for his education or an assistance ship.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- Other than academics the USA culture is different, the professors are friendly in nature, the people out here are approachable and every one respects each other. Here we have more freedom like we can join any community, any clubs, it is not necessary that if you are from India then you can only join the Indian community rather you can join any other community also.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Here we have more research and practical stuff than the theory part, in India it is more into theoretical aspect. Indian professors teach a problem or a lesson and goes away as he is not concerned if everyone has understood the problem or the lesson taught, however here the professors are more friendly they help us a lot and they know each and every students level of understanding and thinking on the assignments provided they also help a lot to choose the projects to guide us well. The understanding level is too high.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- Getting a degree from USA is worth however spending a huge amount is not that worth so try to get a good opportunity here and then plan for higher education in USA, also try to get scholarship.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Parents should try and send their child for higher studies abroad, they should not differentiate between a boy and a girl student. They should encourage the student if they are interested in doing their higher education abroad.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Money factor is important. Plan well because if after coming here if you did not get any scholarship, assistance ship or part time job and also after completing the course if you don’t get a job then you should be prepared to go back to India. They should think all the positive and negative terms and then plan for studies in the USA Universities.
Q :- What are the 3 important things you learnt after you entered the USA?
A :- 1) The level and the power of my thinking increased and improved a lot, 2) Dealing with different people from different cultures and countries. 3) Time management and 4) Working with lot of pressure.
Q :- What difficulties you faced to get I-20? What precautions you have taken while applying for an I-20?
A :- Financial part was the major difficulty, I had to arrange for liquid cash. Also Credila’s loan sanction letter helped me a lot.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education? Was it required for you to show sources of funds before you got your I-20? How did you deal with that challenge?
A :- I took loan from Credila and some part I managed by my own source. Yes it was required to show the sources of funds before getting the I-20, for this Credila’s loan sanction letter helped a lot to show the source of funds and even I had some own funds.
Q :- How Credila's education loans Sanction letter help you to get your I-20?
A :- It helped me to show the source of funds available through Credila for my education. It was like a financial document.
Q :- How did Credila sanction letter help you to get your visa?
A :- Credila’s sanction letter was a financial document to show the funds available and it helped to get the visa and it helped to complete the required funds.
Q :- What are your suggestions for students who don't have funds for higher education and hence can't get I-20?
A :- Credila is the best Institute which helps a lot, I got the reference of Credila through Visa consultancy and I approached Credila for educational loan and they helped a lot. Credila is the best institute which can help you for the funding required and the sanction letter before I20 as it is also useful.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- To complete the course and to get a job here in USA. After working for 2-3 years I will be back to India.
Q :- What are your views about the current economic environment in the USA? Has it changed anything for the students like you?
A :- The current economy is not difficult to fund for the education however yes it has affected the jobs as the companies here have restrictions and they cannot sponsor the H1B visa. It is improving slowly.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
My Life at Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Arunkumar R. shares his experience as a student at Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Thunderbird School of Global Management. How does it feel to be at Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA?
A :- Before joining this course in Thunderbird School of Global Management I was working for 5-6 years with Indian companies so in the beginning I needed to cope up with the new study pattern, how the grading system works? As I think in Indian way and the study pattern in India however now as time went on I got used to it I am feeling very good about it. I faced difficulties in the beginning however now its fine and worth it.
Q :- Please tell us about which courses you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing MBA-International Business (finance). I chose this course because I am mainly interested in finance field and also due to the financial market in USA, every company has different franchise in other countries and it will be really helpful for me to understand the financial market of different countries.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- I chose USA for higher education because out of fortune 500 companies there are almost 400 companies in USA, there are substantial number of companies in USA also due to the latest technologies, knowledge and the functionality.
Q :- How is Thunderbird School of Global Management different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- Thunderbird school of Global Management is unique in terms of the international business (foreign trade) as it is the pioneers of the International Business, also students from 50 different countries studies here. It is a small school however with unique professors who worked in more than one country. It has flexible program than other universities.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am happy and satisfied with my decision to pursue my education at Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- I live on-campus hence we have common dining and once in a week they have Indian food, I even bought a microwave just to prepare some food by my own like rice, etc.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live on-campus because I get to know and to interact with different students by being with them also it is relatively safe to live in campus.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- The study pattern is totally different out in USA as we have to prepare ourselves and lot of group studies and activities are required. In USA the main factor is self-education and group education.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- USA is not dream destination any more like it used to be. The students should think and compare the courses and universities that they are planning to pursue the education from. They should be prepared to go back to India if they don't get any job in USA. They should understand and adopt the USA culture.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- In the beginning networking was missing, as this is the main thing which is important because we have to do networking and we have to interact with colleagues, friends, students, professors and it has tremendous importance for getting job. We have to approach people; we have to opt the etiquettes of the people in USA and also their accent. If we lack networking then there are limited chances of getting job cause in USA, a student with 3.2 GPA can overtake a student who scored 4.2 GPA by extra qualities and extracurricular activities.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Self education is the main difference. In India professors teach each and everything however in USA sometimes the students have to study and prepare themselves before the professors do. They won't just look at the marks; they want us to understand ourselves that we study. In India we can copy a project work from net or from book however in USA it is all about Team work.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It depends on the student’s decision on which course and university he is planning to go as they have to decide after comparing the same with other universities, for me it is definitely worth because it has a long term benefits.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Parents should know that it is a different country with different culture, they should understand the same also. They should learn to operate computers and webcams so that they can interact and can be in touch with the students (i.e. their children). They should first enquire about the location, the university. They should see if they have some relatives or some friends in USA so that it will be helpful for them. Also they should know about the transport in USA as the transport in every location is not that good, compared to what they have in the major locations for this they should even know the alternative.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Finance is the major part; they should have good back up because if there is no scholarship or the student does not get any part time course then they should have the right back up to fund the student for education. A perfect planning is required as the job market in USA is not that attractive as it was earlier as the student might have to get back to India. The student should think if he is able to cook food, if yes then he has to get the required utensils. For the transportation he needs to get a bicycle or if he drives then he need to be trained as it is a right hand drive country.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- After completing the course I will be here in USA for at least 2-3 years to get the investment back after that I am planning to go to Hong Kong or Singapore which is my dream destination, I am even ready to work in India for sure.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- Credila helped me to fund my higher education.
Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- Loan procedures are very easy. I even tried for loan with other nationalize banks however they have fluctuating process also it is frustrating process, with Credila in terms of funding it is very comfortable and I even had a word with one of the representative few days back for another tranche. Credila also has someone who works in USA i.e. at Wisconsin so it is comfortable.
Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the future; will you be available for the chat on Credila’s expert chat session?
A :- I am ready only for voice chats which won't take much time rather than the web chats; it is a great thing that Credila is doing which can help the students for their decision.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Plan well in advance because it is a big investment speak to different students, professors and then take the decision. As I did the same before deciding, I spoke with different students in Thunderbird school of Global Management.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- Yes, some of my friends are in India at present after confirming with them I can refer them to you. It is very good thing that Credila is doing as it will help the students and the parents to decide well on the higher education part.
Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Thunderbird School of Global Management. How does it feel to be at Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA?
A :- Before joining this course in Thunderbird School of Global Management I was working for 5-6 years with Indian companies so in the beginning I needed to cope up with the new study pattern, how the grading system works? As I think in Indian way and the study pattern in India however now as time went on I got used to it I am feeling very good about it. I faced difficulties in the beginning however now its fine and worth it.
Q :- Please tell us about which courses you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I am doing MBA-International Business (finance). I chose this course because I am mainly interested in finance field and also due to the financial market in USA, every company has different franchise in other countries and it will be really helpful for me to understand the financial market of different countries.
Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- I chose USA for higher education because out of fortune 500 companies there are almost 400 companies in USA, there are substantial number of companies in USA also due to the latest technologies, knowledge and the functionality.
Q :- How is Thunderbird School of Global Management different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- Thunderbird school of Global Management is unique in terms of the international business (foreign trade) as it is the pioneers of the International Business, also students from 50 different countries studies here. It is a small school however with unique professors who worked in more than one country. It has flexible program than other universities.
Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Yes I am happy and satisfied with my decision to pursue my education at Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- I live on-campus hence we have common dining and once in a week they have Indian food, I even bought a microwave just to prepare some food by my own like rice, etc.
Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live on-campus because I get to know and to interact with different students by being with them also it is relatively safe to live in campus.
Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- The study pattern is totally different out in USA as we have to prepare ourselves and lot of group studies and activities are required. In USA the main factor is self-education and group education.
Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- USA is not dream destination any more like it used to be. The students should think and compare the courses and universities that they are planning to pursue the education from. They should be prepared to go back to India if they don't get any job in USA. They should understand and adopt the USA culture.
Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- In the beginning networking was missing, as this is the main thing which is important because we have to do networking and we have to interact with colleagues, friends, students, professors and it has tremendous importance for getting job. We have to approach people; we have to opt the etiquettes of the people in USA and also their accent. If we lack networking then there are limited chances of getting job cause in USA, a student with 3.2 GPA can overtake a student who scored 4.2 GPA by extra qualities and extracurricular activities.
Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Self education is the main difference. In India professors teach each and everything however in USA sometimes the students have to study and prepare themselves before the professors do. They won't just look at the marks; they want us to understand ourselves that we study. In India we can copy a project work from net or from book however in USA it is all about Team work.
Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- It depends on the student’s decision on which course and university he is planning to go as they have to decide after comparing the same with other universities, for me it is definitely worth because it has a long term benefits.
Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Parents should know that it is a different country with different culture, they should understand the same also. They should learn to operate computers and webcams so that they can interact and can be in touch with the students (i.e. their children). They should first enquire about the location, the university. They should see if they have some relatives or some friends in USA so that it will be helpful for them. Also they should know about the transport in USA as the transport in every location is not that good, compared to what they have in the major locations for this they should even know the alternative.
Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- Finance is the major part; they should have good back up because if there is no scholarship or the student does not get any part time course then they should have the right back up to fund the student for education. A perfect planning is required as the job market in USA is not that attractive as it was earlier as the student might have to get back to India. The student should think if he is able to cook food, if yes then he has to get the required utensils. For the transportation he needs to get a bicycle or if he drives then he need to be trained as it is a right hand drive country.
Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- After completing the course I will be here in USA for at least 2-3 years to get the investment back after that I am planning to go to Hong Kong or Singapore which is my dream destination, I am even ready to work in India for sure.
Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- Credila helped me to fund my higher education.
Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- Loan procedures are very easy. I even tried for loan with other nationalize banks however they have fluctuating process also it is frustrating process, with Credila in terms of funding it is very comfortable and I even had a word with one of the representative few days back for another tranche. Credila also has someone who works in USA i.e. at Wisconsin so it is comfortable.
Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the future; will you be available for the chat on Credila’s expert chat session?
A :- I am ready only for voice chats which won't take much time rather than the web chats; it is a great thing that Credila is doing which can help the students for their decision.
Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- Plan well in advance because it is a big investment speak to different students, professors and then take the decision. As I did the same before deciding, I spoke with different students in Thunderbird school of Global Management.
Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- Yes, some of my friends are in India at present after confirming with them I can refer them to you. It is very good thing that Credila is doing as it will help the students and the parents to decide well on the higher education part.
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