Friday, November 23, 2012

Master Brand Status Conferred On Credila!

"Nov. 23, 2012 (Mumbai) : Founded by brothers Anil and Ajay Bohora, Credila Financial Services is now a master brand!. Chief Marketing Officers (CMO) Asia conferred Master Brand status to Credila during the Master Brand Awards ceremony held at Taj Lands End on Nov. 22 in Mumbai. The Master Brand Award was conferred to Credila by Mr. Donovan Neale-May, Executive Director of CMO Council at a glittering ceremony. Dr. Forbes was the Chief Guest of the event. "The journey from founding Credila to becoming a Master Brand has been extremely exciting! We at Credila have been working passionately over the years towards enabling students to achieve their dreams of higher education.
"We accept this honor on behalf of all Credila Team members and all the parents and students who trusted brand Credila", remarked Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Credila. Mr. Ajay Bohora further added, "Rock solid support of HDFC Ltd. has been quite critical to the success of Credila." Mr V S Rangan , Executive Director , HDFC Ltd. remarked, "Credila has been an important subsidiary of HDFC Ltd., which is exclusively focused on Education Loans. Credila's technology driven work flow and student engagement platforms have been quite effective. With Master Brand status, Credila has now entered a new league!"
CMO Asia inducted Mr. Vimal Prakash, Head Marketing, HDFC Ltd. as the Member of The Global Advisory Board of CMO. Mr. Ajay Bohora, Co-Founder and CEO of Credila was inducted as the Member of the Global CMO Council Board"


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